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Feb 6, 2024

tribune Energetic transition

FRAIKIN and TANKYOU working together to decarbonize mobility.

Here is the interview with Olivier Couderc, Marketing Manager of the Energy Transitions and Services Division at FRAIKIN.

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Olivier Couderc's interview

Could you tell us who you are and what you do at Fraikin? "Olivier Couderc, I am the Marketing Manager of the Energy Transitions and Services Division at FRAIKIN. I joined the company in 2018. One of my missions is to contribute to developing FRAIKIN's service offerings and to propose solutions to our clients to address issues related to energy transition. This includes, for example, establishing partnerships, such as the one we have with TANKYOU." What are the concerns/expectations of your clients regarding greening their mobility? "Understanding the multiple legislative constraints imposed on them, which unfortunately change frequently. Then, finding and choosing means that can operationally meet their needs (autonomy, load and payload volume, equipment...) while maintaining an acceptable Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Finally, identifying the consequences of opting for different technologies (finding energy/fuel, vehicle maintenance, managing human resources...)." Could you mention some actions taken by Fraikin to decarbonize the mobility of its clients? "We first aim to help companies better understand their environment: We have just updated our white paper on our website to address the points mentioned earlier (HERE). We regularly organize information sessions at our agencies, called Campus, open to all companies. We are agnostic: we work with a wide range of manufacturers, bodybuilders, and equipment suppliers. Therefore, we are open to different technologies and can propose THE solution that best meets the needs and constraints of our clients. BioGNV can be part of these solutions. FRAIKIN manages 1,800 alternative energy vehicles in its fleet, across all energy types. We offer a wide range of dedicated services: from eco-driving to route management and telematics, to carbon offsetting support, FRAIKIN provides a range of solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of fleets. We have just launched GREEN MY FLEET: a new service through which FRAIKIN supports companies in all aspects related to greening their fleets, from vehicle recommendations to operation, including energy infrastructure." How does TANKYOU help decarbonize the mobility of your clients? "TANKYOU and its bioGNV delivery service allow us to facilitate energy transition by overcoming the issue of refueling stations. Thus, companies that do not have access to stations can still commit to reducing their carbon footprint and initiate their transition. TANKYOU also saves time: no need to visit refueling stations anymore. Not going to stations maximizes vehicle usage potential and allows drivers to focus on their core tasks, minimizing idle time!" In conclusion, what is your vision of decarbonizing the professional mobility market? Optimistic or pessimistic? "We are optimistic: this is the direction to take. However, the transition will not be the same for everyone depending on their activities. It is necessary to be open to the different technologies and solutions offered by the market. TANKYOU, through its bioGNV delivery service on site, facilitates energy transition."

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